Fertilizers & Nutrients

Success in your gardening programs begins with the soil.  Tending your plants after you plant in healthy soil requires a nutrient program to feed them as they grow.  At Quality Feed & Garden, we’re dedicated to helping you produce lush lawns, beautiful potted plants, colorful flowers, and bountiful harvests.  We provide a complete selection of THE BEST organic and synthetic products to suit your needs.

Organic & Natural Product Lines

  • MicroLife
  • Nature’s Guide
  • Lady Bug Natural
  • Lilly Miller – The “Alaska” Brand
  • Medina
  • Carl Pool
  • Ohrstrom’s Maxicrop Organics
  • SUPERTthrive
  • The Urban Farm Fertilizer Company

Synthetic Product Lines

  • Nitro Phos
  • Miracle-Gro
  • Fertilome
  • Carl Pool
  • Osmocote

Natural Soil Builders

AlfalfaExcellent for just about every plant! Roses love it!
Bat GuanoSource of nitrogen and micronutrients.
Blood MealAn organic form of nitrogen that helps every plant grow. Favorite of pansy growers.
Bone MealOrganic phosphorus, aids in blooming. A must if you grow flowering bulbs.
Chicken ManureProbably the best source of organic nitrogen when compared to other manures. Tremendous micronutrient source as well.
Compost TeaAll-natural compost applied as a drench or foliar spray. When compost tea is sprayed on a plant, those plants will often grow more vigorously, resist disease and insect attack, and may produce higher yields of flower and fruit.
Cotton Burr CompostRestores vital organic matter and humus to the soil. Loosens clay soil and builds soil.
Cottonseed MealSource of micronutrients. Contains 24 trace elements and potassium.
Endo & Ecto Beneficial MycorrhizaeEstablishes beneficial fungal organisms in the soil to encourage plant growth.
Garrett JuiceAll natural compost applied as a drench or foliar spray.
Kelp MealKelp Meal is an all natural, 100% organic fertilizer made from dried ocean seaweed. Full of beneficial vitamins and mineral, this all purpose soil treatment works great on potassium loving plants
Liquid Fish & SeaweedBlend of Norwegian seaweed and Atlantic fish.
Liquid Fish EmulsionContains trace elements and nitrogen, Great as foliar spray or drench.
Liquid Lawn FoodPoultry compost and Chilean nitrate is fantastic for new or established lawns. Won’t burn.
Liquid Molasses(Also see Dried Molasses) – Increases microbial activity in the soil. Contains trace elements.
Liquid SeaweedSource of micronutrients. Contains 24 trace elements and potassium.
Mushroom Compost100% organic. Compost byproduct from mushroom farms. Restores vital organic matter and humus to the soil.
Mycostim Beneficial MycorrhizaeEstablishes beneficial fungal organisms in the soil to encourage plant growth.
Nature’s Way Leaf  Mold CompostA rich humus primarily from leaves, slowly composted and screened to ensure consistency and size, this product is rich in beneficial microbes and great for use on lawns, vegetable gardens, annuals, and in flower beds.
Organic Potting SoilBlend of 100% organic ingredients for indoor and outdoor plants, seed starting and root cuttings.
Organic Soil ConditionerA blend of cotton burrs, alfalfa and poultry manure. Builds productive soil.
Rock PhosphateOrganic source of phosphorus and micronutrients. Excellent soil ammendment for anything that blooms.
Root SimulatorBlend of seaweed and agrispon to reduce plant shock and stimulate root development.
Texas GreensandAll natural glauconite. Excellent source of potassium and micronutrients. Loosens clay soils. Rich in iron, it increases water holding capability as well.
The Ground Up Vegan CompostHandcrafted Vegan Compost is a diverse, vegan quality, ultra rich compost made entirely from organic fruits, veggies & native plants and is teeming with beneficial microorganism.
Tree & Shrub TherapyBlend of micro-organisms, compost and minerals for trees and shrubs. A great solid builder, contains expanded shale, greensand, enriched molasses and more.

See more about our products here:

Tip Sheets:

General Fertilizer Notes:

Plants require fertilizer to thrive and increase productivity. Nutrients should be added to the soil regularly.  Fertilizers are either organic or synthetic.  We offer complete selection of both types to meet your needs.

On fertilizer labels, you’ll see three sets of numbers such as 12-24-12, which refers to levels of N-P-K. Nitrogen (N) encourages the plant to grow and makes it dark green. Phosphorus (P) stimulates the roots and helps the plant produce more blooms. Potassium (K) helps make the plant stranger and more disease resistant.

Use a high nitrogen fertiliazer for lawns and vegetables that don’t bloom, and a high phosphorous fertilizer for flowering or fruiting plants. Foliage plants prefer an equally-balanced fertilizer.

Your lawn shade trees and shrubs require fertilizer when they begin to grow each spring, and at their peak in early summer. Fruit and nut trees require fertilizer when new growth begins in spring, and again immediately following harvest. Vegetables require fertilizer at least once a month.

All trees, shrubs, and lawns should be fertilized in late fall with “winterizer”. The fertilizers are applied after the plants are at rest. Some nutrition is used and keeps plants strong, and the rest remains in the soil to be used when growth starts again in early spring.