Quality Feed & Garden is proud to offer bonsai trees to grower artists in the region! We also conduct quarterly “Bring Your Trees & Supplies” seminars to assist with your tree’s development. Call the store for the date of our next workshop!
We offer bonsai soil, bonsai pots, tools and supplies to assist with your growing efforts as well. Our store Owner Ken is a bonsai grower artist and mixes his “Ken’s Bonsai Soil” that includes Pumice, Lava, Akadama, Turface and Charcoal. The addition of Turface to the mix adds extra moisture retention to the mix. We also mix up “Boon Mix” soil. Ingredients are also available if you like to make your own soil and include:
- Black Lava
- Akadama
- Pumice
- Turface
- Expanded Shale
- Pine Bark
- Granite, Red & Gray
Trees for Sale
Quality Feed & Garden offers small and medium-sized bonsai trees for beginners and expert grower artists alike. We stock deciduous, conifer, and tropical trees as both “pre-bonsai” and finished potted and wired trees. Trees include but are not limited to:
- Chinese Elm
- Boxwood
- Azalea
- Juniper
- Trident Maple
- Ficus
- Flowering Persimmon
- Bougainvillea
- Serissa
- Barbados Cherry
- Water Jasmine
- Podocarpus
- Malphigia Cherry
- Lavender Starflower and MORE!