SBK’S LIQUID GOLD is an American made, all natural, premium chicken based product that promotes healthy weight and a healthy coat for all canine breeds. Comes in three popular flavors.
- All-Natural Ingredients
- Chicken-Fat Based Protein
- No Trans or Saturated Fat
- No Harmful Fillers, Propylene Glycol, or Glycerin
- A Great Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
- Whey Protein containing 19 Essential Amino Acids
- Cooked Egg Whites for more Digestible Protein
- Egg whites are a great source of very digestible protein, riboflavin, and selenium which helps dogs tremendously that are prone to digestive upset.
- Turmeric Powder for Inflammation
- Fresh Pumpkin Powder for Digestible Fiber and Vital Nutrients
- Manufactured at our Facility in the US